I started this course with the idea that i would be doing some grand assignment for this portion of the site.  I change my view as the course went on and looked at how well Adam had presented current events within the Course.  It made me think of the idea of placing Discussion information onto the page instead.  Using my own responses to show my views.  My hope is that those who look at this page will connect with the issues and provoke thought and exposure to these issues.  As I wrote in one of my English papers "Media is the number one business in the world and it is what currently fuels the American Economy".  Take a look around and see how media affects your life from the toothbrush you buy to the type of car you drive. Ask yourself then why is media attention so important.  I ended with this TED talk video posted on You tube about non violence protest by Julia Bacha, a feeling that I have in common with her.


I believe that the climate is getting warmer, I remember here that the tops of the mountains had snow year round and that the Olympus glacier was something that you could go see.  Even the amount of snow fall has decreased from when I was four or five.  During the winter there was snow on the ground from November to March, and the first snow fall was mid September and the last was near the beginning of May. Those are changes that I have observed here in the Valley. Today the Olympus glacier is gone the last of it melted in the late 90's and early 2000's. The mountain caps can be clearly seen during the summer and sometimes during winter. So there is no doubt that the climate is warming.

I think the big debate over weather humans are the cause is frankly ridiculous, Humans are the cause its something that has been known for years that we as a society have been putting green houses gases in the atmosphere. I think the issue is politician who would lose there backing and money pools by standing up for change. The two largest polluters in the U.S. are transportation and businesses.  Transportation is the people most who can't afford to make immediate changes and need products, that are affordable, that can reduce our carbon footprints. The bigger issue is how do we change are infrastructure to reduce our carbon footprint without changing our entire lives. I think most people disagree because they don't want to take responsibility for there own actions. It also doesn't help that politicians have used that same view. I also have seen that most people around me that share the view that humans are not responsible for climate change are older and are less willing to make changes or would lose some aspect of their lives. I think that policies should be made based on the best course of action for the society. That often means making decisions that are scientifically based and not on a political or financial agenda.

I have known this information for over a decade and many companies in the united states and the government have put their heads in the sand for over 20 years. This really should not be a surprise to humanity. The real issue is what are we going to do not if it is happening. That is still the question and until that happens we will continue on course for even hotter temperature over 2 degrees. We need better technologies that can not only reduce green house gases pollution but actually reverse the amount or even make our overall zero.

Global warming and Natural Environment are the number one global topic that need to be addressed in the United States and globally. This does include changing the way we think of building and creating more green building that are really green. Some examples would be High rise building that incorporate green spaces and plants.This could be achieved at every level creating more lush and sustainable cities. Vine that hang from story to story and garden top buildings. Building that are made from Bamboo though this is not as easy in the United States, this could be done and is done in Indonesia China and Japan. Bamboo finishes though look good often use chemical that are hazardous to people. Creating cars that filter out all or most of the carbon dioxide that is produced using filters, something that Ford did research  on this nearly 30 years ago but found it as "not an economical solution" for the company if I remember correctly. With everyone looking out for just their bottom line or wanting someone else to blame the problem will continue, until we make a decision and implement a plan of action. We needed this problem addressed 30 years ago when we could have made subtle changes to counter act the climate.

  • What are the dividing forces occurring in Venezuela?
  • What are some of the polarizing issues?
  • How are these issues impacting the poorer citizens of Venezuela?
  • How are these issues impacting the more middle and upper-class citizens of Venezuela?

Venezuela political unrest is one that has many issue both locally and world wide for the residence of Venezuela. The political unrest seems to be divided and uncertain where it stems from. The main points that seem to be in agreement are that it is due to the Economic issue or political suppression that has resulted since the death of the former head of state Chavez. Middle Class citizens feel that the many politician are being held and arrested on charges based on their political agendas. The opposition, seem to be divided and feel that the protestor are creating the political unrest to remove the current President. All the issues directly related to how the countries government and economy. The poorest people feel that the government is providing the services that they need and is mostly what they care about.

            The truth is that many of the issues are impacting the middle class where they have now had to deal with many issues. The primary issues stem from various issues, from colectivos (groups funded by the government) that target protest groups. This doesn’t mean that all of the colectivos are targeting the protestors; most are just peaceful social groups that are sponsored by the government. Many providing services to the lower class citizens (Venezuela Divided).

One of the biggest issues is the government and how it hinders growth of the economy while providing social services to the poor. Increasing the national debt and causing the currency to inflate. This in turns causes the wages in the country to be kept low. Further requiring the low middle class and poor to require the assistance of the government. The middle class feel that they are not getting the resources that they normally would receive. While still getting taxed more then any other economic group. Creating a cycle that continues to self perpetuate itself.

The poor an low middle class though they have declined, is stuck in a cycle where they continue to rely on the government for most of their need. Many don’t care about how they make end meet or get the resources they need as long as they receive them. This is more evident in some of the latest polls that show that only about 19 percent of the lower classes actually support the government. This is down nearly thirty percent from four to five years ago. The other part to this is the numbers who don’t care about the government has increase. Less than 5 percent oppose the current government. Showing that the lower classes are slowly changing opinion about the government (Venezuela Middle Ground).

The current state is highly charged and has many different evaluation about what exactly is going on. Some claim that the problems stem form the United States becoming involved in the politic of Venezuela. Most feel the turmoil from the government and that it is the real cause. Few think that it is a political agenda, to remove the current head of state. Maybe the correct statement is that in some small way all are correct.

I think that one of the greatest issue in the political confusion is that of the so called "colectivos" that it is uncertain what side they are on.  The government says that they are on the protestors side, and the protestors say they are on the governments. Their is no clear picture on what the armed peoples agenda is. They have photos from citizens and document from the government that say "colectivos". What has further complicate matters is the Government indicating that the united states is interfering in the issues causing the problems. Though the sanction on the government are against Seven individuals and not the government as a whole.

  1. Antonio José Benavides Torres: Commander of the Strategic Region for the Integral Defense
  2. Gustavo Enrique González López: Director General of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Intelligence Service
  3. Justo José Noguera Pietri: President of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana
  4. Katherine Nayarith Haringhton Padron: national level prosecutor of the 20th District Office of Venezuela’s Public Ministry.
  5. Manuel Eduardo Pérez Urdaneta: Director of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Police
  6. Manuel Gregorio Bernal Martínez : Chief of the 31st Armored Brigade of Caracas of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Army
  7. Miguel Alcides Vivas Landino: Inspector General of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces

All who were in key political military positions or prosecutor, during the time of a protests around the country. The charge all are based on the violence that has occurred and the brutality that the personnel used to disband the protest.  The problem isn't that the brutality occurred it is from the fact that they have done nothing about it. Either by stepping down, or putting corrective measures in place to prevent it from occurring further.  The only charge that are directly provided is to the prosecutor who provide fraudulent documents to imprison many people of political opposition. All issue that would lead me to feel that same way that the protestors feel is occurring in the country.

That the government is marketing information to the lower class, part of the systems that were first instituted by Chavez according to some of the additional article that I red.  The issue is that the governing people have not made any real changes to the Economic systems that are in place to improve them.  The system that Chavez put in place increased the middle class through education.  This started improving the standard of living.  This seemed to be a first step in a process to improve Venezuela's standard of living and improve it economy. Similar bills passed in the US had the same effect.  The problem there is that they don't have a good system or finances to sustain the social agendas, since most of the money comes from the middle class. This is also where most of the opposing political views come from and the primary areas . I guess in some way many feel that they are under ( taxation without representation ) to quote Revolutionaries of the 13 colonies. 

The poor however are not the only people that are afraid of change many in the government don't want changes either.  Mostly because of the the unrest and fractions that occurred during the late 1980's and early 1990's and then again a decade later. Many are reluctant to change policies that have already been put in place, because of the issues that they feel might arise. One article that I red indicated, that the wealthy oppose many of the opposition party because of the taxation (changes) and political agenda of the opposition. This is in fact how the current president won, by retaining the same policies as Chavez. By gaining support of many in the lower and upper classes. Even though the policies that were put in place by Chavez are the root cause of many current issues.  The government, unfortunately, will continue to use these systems until dissatisfaction with them occurs in the lower class, where most support for them occurs. Change is coming since the poor are slowly rethinking their views, and the government continues to remain stagnant.

The main issue that is occurring is the economic issue that the ivory brings to the local population. Quick money from the sale can create huge revenues and fund armies and other activities. Many of the people see Elephant as an endless supply of resources. Many people have seen large population of Elephants and don’t understand the impact that they have by the depletion of the population including them selves. It should be a world effort to protect the elephants, the impact that they have on Africa affects us all. The Nation of Africa need to find a way to work together to prevent the travel and trade of Ivory. Since we are the cause of most of the destruction of environments and the largest reason for the decline of most animal populations we d have a responsibility to protect and save species from extinction.

            The local wages of the population of Africa I believe is the underlying problem for the destruction of the Elephant populations. With wages that are on average $1.25 per day, the wages earned from one Elephant is more then a years wages. The tusk would be much less lucrative if they only fetch a price of $1.00 or even $100.00. With one elephant being worth between 2 to 5 yrs in wages or more 4 to 5 elephant could provide a huge income to the people. This is only exasperated by the local population, that are part of militant groups, and unrest that is in the countries. The other issue is declining habitat like every other area in the world.

            The United Nation and the Countries of Africa or Even Countries o the World should really be responsible for saving the Elephant. The Government of China should and the United Nation Should Help the African Countries protect the Elephants. Since most of the trade has been occurring with the Chinese. China should provide money to help end the trade sponsoring the conservation efforts to protect the Elephants. The United Nation should provide Help in training the people and finding better solutions to prevent the trafficking and defend the Elephant populations. The Last issue is that the Nations of Africa, in order to maintain and significantly change, need to band together.   Without the countries working together to restrict and prevent the trade of Ivory, many of the poachers will remain uncheck. Harsher penalties would need to be place on those that trade ivory and poach the Animals. The Penalties should include fines that will not only make the potential for killing Elephants unlucrative venture. Fines that are in excess to the profit that they would gain and prison sentences that can sustain their families while they are in prison would make the poaching less viable.

            Humanity is ultimately responsible for the decline of the earth species and we must be the one who find a way to live with the natural environment while continuing to build the infrastructures that have made us. Creating garden sky scrapers that are in rainforest areas this includes the Elephant. The Real issue here is how do we create a environment that doesn’t destroy the land vegetation or increases living spaces and environments.

The question of what does it mean to be an American is a hard question to answer. I think that it means the ability for the people to change the laws and government. To have the right to live the way you want without certain rights being taken from you. This doesn’t mean that the system is perfect nor is anything even fair. Even today there are influences on the government that are corrupting it or preventing the system from being fair. Some of which are a product of our own fear and willingness to limit our civil rights. Businesses also influence the government and place pull. The only thing that has remained unchanged about the United States is the right of those who have the right to make changes and the ability of the country to create laws or change laws. Since the ratification of the constitution and the first 10 amendments there has been seventeen additional amendments. One that repealed another amendment several extended the rights of people to prevent persecution. Some limiting the number of years that a person can hold office or remain in term of the office.

            I think that this means that no matter what the issue is we can still change our government and make progress towards a better future for everyone. One of the issues that I feel is really important today is the super rich and corporation being able to influence the government. The bureaucracy that has been created in the government and the segmentation of powers has diminished the function of the government. It is true that separation of power helps control the government, but it also impedes it and creates a very slow process, or in many cases serve to protect those who have the power or influence. The founding fathers never expected that businesses would hold such sway over the government. That doesn’t mean that they weren’t involved in the politics of the nation, often they were the politicians and had direct disputes or others that could oppose them. Today many politicians get their financing from businessman or are pressured or given rewards for voting or supporting certain ways. The last time in the history of the united states where gap between the rich and poor was this large was in the 1920’s and the Great Depression. What I think is very discouraging is that we are repeating the mistakes of the past and some thing that have happened prevent us from taking action. Businesses that are too large to fall in my opinion are no different then a monopoly or trust the only difference today is that instead of completely competing against each other. Many executives protect one another by pushing to the point where they ride the line of the law or push for deregulation. I’m not saying that deregulation doesn’t have it advantages but it still should be our choice and is up to us as a country to find ways to either stand up against it or change our government. This is even been placed into the constitution in fact it is part of the several including the first amendment. The right to bear arms is a way for the people of the United States to protect themselves from Foreign forces and it own Government forces as well. This is where some of the real debate about gun rights come from. The ability for people to protect themselves against other people, so it still comes down to us regulating ourselves and choosing what is best for the county as a whole.


The ten most controversial issues in the United States I think are as follows.

  1. The financial gap between the rich and the poor. This is an issue that is destroying the country in various ways. One is that it prevents the flow of money into and throughout the country. The most prosperous time and the time when the United states paid down some of the National Debt was during the 1950’s and as a time when most Companies were small businesses and the income in most companies between the owner and the lowest waged worker was around 50% mean today that if the employer made $250,000 dollars the lowest paid employee was $125,000, during that time it was 50,000 and 25,000 dollars. Much of this was a theology of spreading the wealth and from the dismantling of the trusts and monopolies, something that actually cause the people who owned the corporations that were broken up to make more money. This also has some of the same issues that occurred in regard to corruption in the government from those businesses.
  2. Global warming I think is the next big issue. The government needs to realize that it is a problem that we as a nation our causing since we have created the most amount of green house gases over time in the last century than any other nation. We are not the only contributor but we certainly have the biggest mark. I think that most of the push back from this is due to the companies that don’t want to change what they are doing. Today the Nations of the World are realizing how much of a change is occurring and that unless something is dine soon we will be heading own a road that we wont be able to come back. Currently at the current rate the world will be 2 to 4 degrees warmer than it is today and that is 6 degrees warmer than a century ago. At the current rate Antarctica will soon have plant life growing in soil something that hasn’t occurred since Jurassic age, and prior to that great extinction where 90% of all life on earth died which occurred long before the dinosaurs. When that occurred the earth had similar amunts of green house gases that were in the atmoshere and currently we are on course to surpass it, and at a rate of nearly 10 time faster.
  3. Political Corruption. I think that there needs to be more regulation between the government and businesses. The government should be separated from businesses influencing the government so that what is best for the nation as a whole and not what is best for individuals of congress or people that they know in done. I also think that congress should not determine what they get paid but should be based of the economy. It would eliminate congress from making policies that hurt the overall economy of the country. Eventually the country is either going to be thrown into another Civil War or Rebelion or the Government will need to change. The corruption and the self serving politic has caused public opinion and trust in the government to decline within the last 100 years with some turnaround in the 1940 and 1950’s. With the approval rating on average from the latest poll I saw of congress at between 15% and 30% something is bound to happen. The problem though is going to be hard to change with how many polotician have place themselves and protected themselves, and many other canidate don’t have the finacial backing to create a real marketing campaign. Making it very difficult to remove them from office after they are elected.
  4. Education is the one of the issues that I think should be near the top of the list. Out of the top 26 countries in the world the united States is still the only on that does not pay for college. The ironic thing about this is that this is what has caused many of those countries to move ahead of the united states in education and why many of the top jobs in this county are going to them. Education is not a new thing either,it is one of the things that put the united states on top without the high school and elementary school systems thtat have been put in place. The united states would not have the educated work forces of the early 1900’s that allowed them to become the first world nation of today, though currently I think we are slipping down the ladder. Many nations not only pay for school but allow student to travel to any country in the world to obtain a higher education. Many picking the United States for it top schools. The worst thing about it is that if the Government paid for room and board of students even up to eight years beyond high school they would save not only the government money but the citizens as well and base on the current trends those who have better connection and better education will make more money overall in their life time that would in turn mean more revenue for the country as a whole and allow workers of the United States to influence decisions on projects and policies throughout the world. Something that the United States is slowly starting to fade and be less relevant in. Unless we as a people make a change in our education we as a nation will fade from our current position in the world.
  5. Immigration is a very heated argument in the United States. How illegal aliens are taking jobs from people in the United States or perception that they are. It is true to a large effect that jobs are being taken from people in the United State but that has more to do with other factors and not just them taking jobs. It has just as much to do with corporation taking jobs outside of the United States and ultimately pushing wages in the United States down something that has been occurring since the 1970. This has led to shift in how companies operate and where they make most of their money in the US and what most people don’t realize is that it’s not from products, which are the backbone of most economies, and what other counties borrow against. The real problem is how do we as a country become relevant in manufacturing and goods to the world market again and prevent deflation of wages where the average income does not keep pace with the cost of living.
  6. The reevaluation of what makes a monopoly is another issue that needs to be resolved. The anti-trust laws where originally put in place to prevent companies from being able to adversely effect the market. The issue is one of the causes of the “Great Recession” was this very problem where large corporation did in fact influence the market and crippled it. We need to make revision to the laws to include businesses that are too large to fail. Preventing another economic downturn due to corporation that have too much power to fully regulate or allowed to fail.
  7. Socialistic portions of the government that are beginning to fail or become obsolete or over extended. The welfare social Security and other federal programs that help the less fortunate are becoming over used or in many case the only way that many families can make it from month to month. This has much to do with other issue including low wages, stagnant or dwindling pay and exponential increase in cost of living.
  8. Regulation of Marriage equality. Marriage Equality is still a large issue as the LGBT community fight for equal right in marriage and tax equality many people of the United States feel that somehow they are infringing on their right or that it is not as god intended. This is an issue that I feel will continue even though the truth is most LGBT don’t make passes or infringe or the rights of others. I think most of the issue is more personal beliefs and what they feel is wrong behavior. This I feel is still a matter that is where most people will try to blur the line between church and state and that this is still a religious or civil liberties issue and not what defines a marriage or what a person personal beliefs may be.
  9. De-escalation of troops on foreign soils is another issue, or being the police force of the UN and World. The United State need to keep out of the affairs of nation that they should be involved or don’t have good relation or interests. There is interest in the Middle East for various reasons but many of the internal conflict and wars that we the United State has involved in have created much of the current problems. Creating political tension due to helping the Taliban and al-Qaida forces during the early seventies. Then turning on those forces due to political pressures and many of them using the arms given to them by the United States against allies. The more that the United States interferes the greater the problems that also includes the nations that we have invaded and taken control of such as Iraq. In order for those countries to fully recover we need to stay and wait for the military to take control and rebuild their infrastructure.
  10. Infrastructure is one of the greatest problems in the United States today. Most people don’t realize that most structures in the united states were designed to last around 50 years some such as the golden gate bridge were designed to around 100 years though many such as the golden gate bridge often don’t meet the need due to lack of knowing how the populations of certain areas would grow since many were base on either a stead growth rate or growth base on the current population where they didn’t account for growth from people moving into the city. The issue o many of the bridge and dams only being designed for 50 to 100 years is that many are beginning to break down and are starting to need major repairs and currently we only have 10% of what is needed to repair the or sustain the current infrastructure budgeted.

Discussion: Israel Loves Iran

This happens to be my favorite Discussion post because of what I am going in to and the change that it brought about.

The idea of creating a poster for peace was an idea that I think can be valued all over the world. Many of the Worlds political problems occur due to lack of understanding or the desire for something better. The past it often had to do with resources as it very well could in the future. I love Iran campaign has made a significant change in the views of the people and helped prevent wide spread violence. Making the politician and people of the nation know what they really want. The fact that the campaign has gone far beyond the reaches of the initial poster is in fact a testament. A testament to how many people would prefer a nonviolent solution for peace and resolve differences. The fact that the message is so simple and in a language spoken by many people created a synergy that has resulted in more then just Iran and Israel. The main goal was to create peace, I think that if Julia Bacha and Ronny Edry team together they could really make a difference. Change the perspective of the country and find a peaceful way to coexist and work towards change. The goal has spread to other areas that are experiencing conflicts such as Ukraine and Russia. The result is that people are noticing and connecting for all over the world and form different backgrounds and social areas. One man that had posted a picture on the site is a Gay man in Iran looking to create a modeling career. Just for him to put his name out there is a powerful statement. In the Middle East he could easily be killed for being Gay. The fact that so many people are willing to take a stand against government and speak out for peace, forces the government to really look at what they are doing.

Discussion: Can Israel Survive Without a Palestinian State?

It seems to me that it is unlikely for there to be peace in the region any time soon. With many different sides being at odd there is bound to be conflict. With orthodox Jews wanting to be a religious state, the problem becomes more then just a religious issue. The problem here is that it then creates a conflict with the other two prevent any side to compromises. Unless each side is represented and willing to compromise there wont be a solution. The issues will continue to escalate until war between the three fractions occurs. This would likely force the orthodox Jews into taking action or face the being removed or eradicated from Israel. The truth is that with the expansion of the Israeli people into Palestine, there may not be a viable solution. The best solution may be creating a different political system and creating providences based on populations and people and representation from each fraction. This like in the United States would provide a system that would allow for the representation of the people. This would also allow for the representation of the concerns of each side, while allowing for the majority in each area to make decisions on policy. Hopefully to bring an end to the conflict and provide a means to a stable peaceful Israeli/Palestine State.

            Currently the situation between the two sides will continue to degrade while each has an interest in their people and beliefs. The solution when the arrangement was made would have been to create two separate states to prevent the current situation. When the division occurred the issue was Jerusalem, who would control it and how it would be governed. The Temple Mound and the Mosque of the Rock, is a place that both find fundamental to their religions. This though would have caused a conflict before the two-government system began with Jerusalem situated between. Israel has slowly swallowed up Jerusalem, though it under international law and the accord created by the United Nation should be a mutual area. Not controlled by either side, a demilitarized zone, where any fraction can come and go as they please. Today Jerusalem is completely inside what Israel has claimed as the border and placed walls around it, creating a physical divide.

            The problems will continue until the two-government system ends and is replace by a single government or a split occurs creating two separate countries occurs. How to do this is still an issue that will need to be addressed and is important to the stability of the area and conflicts of the region. The two sides together allow for more resources and protection in peace. The area is also a region where many extremists have started due to what they feel is United State medaling. The united State has often take the side of Israel, providing them with weapons and other support to suppress the Palestinian Authority. It hasn’t been until the last two decade that a more peaceful look for more non violent solution.

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